This Charge Controller is intended for Field Use with a Solar Panel and a lead acid or
A123 Lithium Iron battery pack. Lithium batteries should be periodically charged with a balancing charger to insure that proper balance is maintained. This Solar Charge
Controller does not monitor or guarantee cell balance.
This Controller generates a small amount of heat when charge current is flowing. In
order to avoid overheating the unit it is advisable to keep it out of direct sunlight when in
● Regulates charge current from solar panel to 12 volt lead acid or     Lithium Iron battery
   ○ Compatible with four cell Lithium Iron A123 type battery
   ○ Compatible with six cell Flooded, Gel or AGM type lead acid       battery
● Controls charging current with solid state charge control switch
● Detects Panel and Battery state on either connector
● Indicates Status with Red and Green Color LEDs
● Uses convenient Standard Anderson PowerPole connectors